Diane …
Thank you so much for the absolutely wonderful Reggae Marathon running shirt received for the Running Program at Youth Villages! I know the kids will be so encouraged and inspired! Shirts have come in from All 7 Continents, believe it or not!! Including the North Pole Marathon and the Antarctic Ice Marathon; Australia, Brazil, Egypt, Bahrain, Netherlands, many other countries, and all across the U.S. We are greatly honoured to have your shirt from Jamaica!
Here is the thank you from Youth Villages, (the pi
cture above shows the kids in many of the shirts received”:
We are so incredibly grateful to Diane for having sent the amazing marathon shirt from the Reggae Marathon
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this outpouring of support from the running community! All the very very best to y’all,
Bryce Gaudian, Development Manager
Agilis Company, 2380 Crossroads Blvd., Albert Lea, MN 56007
Agilis – located in America’s heartland … with a heart for nonprofits