December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

Reggae Marathoner’s don’t leave home without…

I could say don't leave home without your Reggae Marathon Finishers Medal but that would be pushing it.  If your Mom was like mine then you got advice that has stuck with you.  Some of the advice I received is 'many years old' now but it's as valid now as it was then.  And as a parent of course I 'shared it' with my kids who did their best to minimize rolling their eyes.  Anyway, here are some things that you shouldn't leave home without:

  • ID.  I am often guilty of not taking ID with me when I go running.  And on the distance training runs when I am far from home this is not smart.  There are lots of products for carrying personal ID…if you can manage an iPod or Smartphone then you can manage ID.  Something like this convenient wrist ID from RoadID works well.
  • Money.  I love my debit card and rarely carry cash.  But have you tried buying a bottle of water from a vending machine without cold, hard cash?  Plus my wife Sally hates it when I ask, “Can I borrow a couple of dollars?”
  • Coffee.  Fresh brewed in my travel mug.  Blue Mountain as often as possible.  Enough said!
  • Clean underwear.  You know how this one goes:  “What if you were in an accident?”  I can still remember the first time I heard this.
  • Smartphone.  Or should I say 'personal communication/connection to the world' device.  I don't use it to make a lot of calls but texting, updating my status on F

    acebook and checking the Reggae Marathon blog of course are daily uses.  OK, make that many times each day.  How ever  did we get through our days before smartphones?

  • Smile.  I live and work in a big bustling city and whether in the car or on public transit, a ready smile coupled with a quick sense of humor gets me through each day with a minimum of stress. And if I can get one other person to smile…that makes my day!  This Reggae Marathon blog post  with smiling faces is my 'happy place'.
So what can't you leave home without?

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy


For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site.  To register now click here

for the Reggae Marathon Registration Page.  Click here for more details on Reggae Marathon’s Abe Issa Award for Excellence.

Photo courtesy of Pan Caribbean.
