December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

Reggae Runners get their medals

By now you've heard the story of the 3 guys who connected online early last year, met in person at Reggae Marathon 2011 in Negril, and continued the friendship into 2012 with the 1st Annual Reggae Runners Half Marathon Challenge.  If not, click on the previous link for the back story.  After successfully completing their individual half marathons on May 6, Larry, Dan and I now have our finishers medals.  And I have my hair back!  Whatever possessed us to shave our heads for the Reggae Runners Half Martahon remains a mystery.

Larry Savitch of Florida, New York was the victor in this first event that we hope to make an annual event each spring.  He not only won bragging rights for a year but he

received a pair of Puma Faas 500 running shoes courtesy of Reggae Marathon.  Larry, we expect to see you in them December 1 in Negril.  And yes, you'll get the rest of your prize when we connect this December:  6 pack of cold Red Stripe.  Of course, you won't have to drink alone…we'll help you celebrate.  Hmmm…may need more than one 6 pack.

Dan Cumming of White Rock, British Columbia, Canada who had the most bizarre running story of all at last year's Reggae Marathon (Running out of Time) was second on the podium.  Dan's our seasoned runner who came up with the age-adjusted concept th

at allowed us to race head-to-head.  Dan must be the most unlucky runner of all time.  His bad luck unfortunately continued recently when he fell in the bathtub and seriously bruised his ribs.  True obsessive compulsive runner that he is, he still got back to running and racing. Dan, guess you don't follow your own advice.

And your's truly is fantastically thrilled with my 3rd place finish.  On the podium!  Well that's certainly better than saying I came in 3rd in a 3 man race.  Nevertheless, I am still super happy with my personal best time in my half marathon while running with a pulled calf and strained plantar that slowed me down significantly.  Just looking for a little sympathy here but somehow I doubt that Dan and Larry will will extend any.  Next year, watch out!

And speaking of the 2nd Annual Reggae Runners Half Marathon Challenge, yes it's on.  Date to be determined when Larry, Dan and I meet at Reggae Marathon this December.  And yes, it'll be open to more participants.  We'll have details as soon as a date has been established.

A BIG thanks to Diane and Reggae Marathon for the Puma Faas 500's and to Red Line Laser Engraving for the finishers medals.

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy


For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site.  To register now click here for the Reggae Marathon Registration Page.  Photos courtesy of our wives. Thanks.
