December 7, 2025 - Kingston Waterfront
2025 Registration coming soon.

Runner Spotlight- Tralene M. Williams

Runner Spotlight- Tralene M. Williams

Where are you from?

I am originally from, Sanford, North Carolina, USA

Currently reside in Knightdale, North Carolina, USA

How long have you been running?

I’ve been physically active all my life but started running actively in 2009.

That’s when I trained for my first half marathon.


Why did you start running?

Why I started running, hmmm.. interesting question. I started running because I never

thought I would be running, if that makes sense. I saw how running gives a person self

esteem boosters in which is basically a natural high that comes from the release of this

thing we call endorphins. Having that is a feel-good feeling that does not cost a thing, and I

am lovin it! I also started running because I suffer from anxiety and running decreases my

anxiety levels. I did not believe it at first but the more research I learned and experienced

every time that after I ran my mind was clearer in thinking. As a bonus, running helps me

become more closer to God. I talk to God, I cry with God, He knows my thoughts. Running

is more than hitting the pavement; this is a life for me in the mental and physical sense.

How did you hear about Reggae Marathon?

I first saw the Reggae Marathon ad in the RUNNERS Magazine in 2015 and was so amazed

by the article describing how one can run in the month of December AND run in 80 degree

weather! I said to myself, I am totally in for that! I love running and I love warm weather!

The two go hand and hand together, I perfect combo!

Are you coming with a group (or are you by yourself)?

I attended the 2023 Reggae Marathon with the running group called “Reggae Runnerz”,

founded by CEO Lisa Laws.

Anything special you would like to share?

I would like to share with everyone that anyone, any age, can start running. The only thing

an individual needs is a great pair of running shoes and for me some good music beats and

that’s it! I would refer anyone to participant in the Reggae Marathon even if you do not

consider yourself a runner, there are lots of people who are power walkers that participate

in the run and with the good reggae vibes that the Reggae Marathon brings, it’s a

celebration of Life and Blessings!…..One Love!
