Runners really are the nicest people. As a runner I’m definitely biased. When we work up a sweat we work out the negative vibes leaving the goodness. Ergo, runners are the nicest people! That was in evidence again at the Mississauga Marathon Race Expo.
If you are not familiar with the City of Mississauga in Canada, Google Maps will bring you up to speed. Quickly though, Mississauga is a city of around 1 million people immediately to the west of Toronto, Canada. One of the features is the extensive network of paved and groomed trails that crisscross the City. Perfect for running! And quite a few of the people we talked with take full advantage.
I spoke with Maria of Guts to Run. This is a group of runners who have raised over $100,000 for Crohn’s and Colitis Canada over the past 5 years! Amazing. And all decked out in our favourite colour!
That’s Donna above. She was at the Mississauga Marathon running to raise money to send kids dealing with Sickle Cell Anaemia to summer camp. We can’t say enough about this determinination!
This is Mike from the Brampton Benders Running Club. Their stated mission: ‘We`re a fun club that shares a GREAT passion for Running!’ And Mike embodied that with the stories he shared about their fun running.
Oh, and I have been remis: The featured photo in this post is Andre Gordon. Andre is a high energy guy and true to form, stopped by our booth all decked out in his Reggae Marathon shirt from a few years ago. Nice to see you Andre!
Yes, runners really are the nicest people!
Until next time…
Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)