Personal Best. The achievement of a goal that exceeds previous performance. Larry Savitch achieved a string of personal bests last year. I achieved a personal best in the Reggae Runners Half Marathon Challenge in April. Both were directly related to racing performance and were extremely satisfying.
Taking 'personal best' to a new level is Marsha Doucette who has set her sights on achieving a big audacious goal at Reggae Marathon this year. She's doing it to raise funds for the Canadian Liver Foundation. She's doing it for her Dad!
Some background on Marsha. She's a runner and a personal trainer originally from London, Ontario, Canada. Her life was thrown upside down when her Dad was diagnosed with liver disease and had to have a liver transplant. She was so affected by her Dad's experience that when an opportunity came up to join the Canadian Liver Foundation in Toronto she jumped at it.
But here's the really cool part: runne
rs who sign up to the program called 'Lace Up For Liver' and raise a minimum of $6,000 get an all expenses trip to Negril, Jamaica to run in Reggae Marathon. Full marathon, Half or 10 K…any of our 3 races. Run, fun, beach, sun and fundraising as well!
“Lace up for Liver at Reggae Marathon is a great running vacation in an exotic location while knowing you're helping the 1 in 10 Canadians living with liver disease” Marsha noted. “Running is important because it improves circulation and helps reduce fat” she added.
link: Lace Up For Liver. This is a personal best that's worth striving for.
Until next time…
For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site. To register now click here for the Reggae Marathon Registration Page. Click here for more details on Reggae Marathon’s Abe Issa Award for Excellence.