December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

Running in Paradise at Reggae Marathon

“Running in Paradise” is a phrase I borrowed from Reggae Marathon fan Larry Savitch.  Running in Negril is a great way to end the year:  it's warm, the beach stretches for miles, the water is clear and refreshing. It's a great running vacation to catch up with old friends and meet new ones.  I also love a good story.  And the best and most inspiring ones come from you, our fans.  While these stories certainly remind us that running in Negril in December is the closest to running in paradise, they are also about overcoming obstacles and achieving personal goals.  Enjoy:
  • Holly was really moved when she recounted how at mile 22 she ran with a couple of kids from Negril.  They not only paced her for a couple of miles, they shared some tips on the real Negril.  Here's Holly's Reggae Marathon Race Report.
  • Bryan who finished second at Reggae Marathon 2011 had this to say about  it:  “like good wine, the event improves each year”.  Well Bryan, we certainly agree with that.  Congratulations on your 2nd place finish.  Bryan also had some great photos and noted that “Jamaica was a great place to train, race, recover and celebrate my birthday, soak in the ocean, relax

    and live healthy!”.  Well said.  Read his excellent race report, Bryan at Reggae Marathon.

  • Bryson has been in Jamaica for some time and ran the Half Marathon last December for the first time.  His story of getting to Negril is wo

    rth the read.  Glad you made the trip.  Check out the story here, A Weekend of Firsts.

  • Gina had a heck of time in her Half Marathon last December.  She had an unfortunate flare-up of  her plantar fasciitis at mile 7.  She pressed on and credits the inspiration at Bob's Mile for getting her to the finish in a very respectable time.  Read her inspiring race re-cap at Reggae Marathon Mon!
  • Dan Cumming had “the best of times, the worst of times” at last December's Reggae Marathon.  He missed the start time by 'hours' and with the assistance of Race Director Frano completed a totally unofficial 10K.  He had a heck of a story never-the-less and it's definitely worth reading:  How a Shuttle Driver Saved this Blogger.
I love reading these stories. I'm always inspired and motivated when I hear real people overcoming their personal challenges.  That's what keeps me running.

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy


For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site.  To register now for some great prizes, click here for the Reggae Marathon Registration Page.  Photo courtesy of Karen Fuchs Photography.
