December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

Running on Empty

Like the song from Jackson Brown, “Running on Empty”, that is not a good idea. And as you work through the last stages of your training and preparation for this December’s Reggae Marathon on December 3 in Negril, Jamaica I’d like to offer some advice:

  • Don’t overdress for the Reggae Marathon.  While we start at 5:15 am in the cool early morning darkness (my favourite) it will warm up a little once the sun comes up.  Dress for warm weather running; make sure you have a running cap to cover your head and neck.
  • Run your race.  I can’t stress that enough.  The usual adrenaline at the start of a race is enhanced at the Reggae Marathon.  Maybe it’s the location, the start in darkness with the torchbearers, the reggae music…whatever. Just don’t go out too fast.  Run YOUR race…it’ll be more enjoyable after.
  • Drink only when thirsty.  Every mile marker of the Reggae Marathon is an aid station with water and hydration fluids available in cool plastic pouches is available.  Take advantage but only if you are thirsty.
  • Do you do the GU?  I do in moderation.
  • Double tie your running shoe laces.  This sounds like a small thing but is really sucks to have to stop to stoop down to re-tie your shoelaces.
  • This is for the men:  cover your nipples!  It is NOT unmanly.  It will save you hours of discomfort after the race.  Lots of great products available but band-aides work just as well.  You will thank me for this.
  • Running tights versus running shorts?  This is a personal preference.  I’ve run in both but prefer the ‘slimming feeling’ of short tights.
  • Most importantly, make sure you fuel up before the Reggae Marathon at the Pasta Party Friday night and again with your favourite pre-race light breakfast.

Follow this advice any you won’t be running on empty at this year’s Reggae Marathon.  See you in Negril in December!

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunningGuy

(Note:  photo courtesy of Errol Anderson Photography
