Are you going away for spring break to see a new country and explore new territory or are you going to go back home and visit family and friends. If you are training for a race, then your training does not stop even if you are on vacation. Here are a few tips to remember if you are traveling and training at the same time.
- It’s important to know what the weather will be like where you will be vacationing. If you are going to a tropical destination (like Jamaica) make sure you have the appropriate clothing for the climate you will be in.
- Get an idea of the terrain. Are you going to be in the mountains or near trails? If so, make sure you have the right shoes for where you’ll be running.
- Will you be doing a long run? Be sure to bring whatever you use for fuel with you as it is not a guarantee that you will be able to find it where you will be vacationing.
- If you plan on rewearing some of your running gear, you might want to consider bringing some detergent to wash it in the sink, so you don’t get that dried sweat smell on your clothes. And don’t forget to hang up your sweat-infested clothes to dry before putting them back in your suitcase or in a bag that you fill with dirty clothes.
- Know the route that you want to run before going out, so you don’t get lost. Let someone know that you are going out for a run just in case you get lost.
- Most importantly, enjoy your run.
2023 Reggae Marathon