Show us your hardware from Reggae Marathon. Whether one, a few or all…yes, there is a Reggae Marathoner who has finisher hardware from all Reggae Marathons to-date…like Rhonda Butler’s finisher collection below, we’d love to see yours
Every finisher at each of the three Reggae Marathon Events receives a finisher medal. The colour of the lanyard differentiates Full Marathon, Half Marathon and 10K finishers. We know a number of runners, including your humble blogger, who have at least one of each event…The Reggae Marathon Hat-Trick. I love each and every one and am looking forward to the reveal later this year of the 2017 Finisher Medal.
So…show us your hardware!
Until next time…
Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)