December 7, 2025
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Sigma Race Alert for February 17!

If you’re entered in the Sagicor SIGMA Run this Sunday, February 17th (and who isn’t), we’ve put together Eight of the Best Tips to make your race A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
  1. Get Your MyLaps Bib. If you’re on a team, get your bib from your team captain before race day. For unattached individuals, packet pick-up is Thursday – Friday, 9am – 4pm and Saturday 10am – 3pm at the Sagicor Bank Building, 60 Knustford Blvd, 9th floor.
  2. Make A Race Day Plan. Hydrate, put out your running gear the night before, wear a cap, set your alarm, exchange wake-up calls with friends and have a pre-race snack 2 hours before race start.
  3. Avoid Traffic Jams. Plan to arrive in New Kingston by 6:00am

    for the best parking spots. We’ve expanding parking to accommodate the 20,000 entrants for the 2013 SIGMA Corporate Run. See the map below.

  4. Approach Wisely. Enter New Kingston from the Trafalgar Road end. Avoid roads around Emancipation Park that have single lanes and limited access.
  5. Give It Up. We all can’t stand on the start line and you don’t need to since your race time begins when you cross the timing mats wearing your MyLaps chip. Unless you can run under 23mins for the 5.5K distance, leave the front to the elite runners.
  6. Start Smart And End Strong. Don’t be a jack rabbit with no concept of pace. Going out way too fast makes you fade hard, and fast, before you get too far.
  7. Keep Moving. Don’t crowd the first tables at the water stops. The water stops are long and well stocked with volunteers and bagged fluids. Don’t throw bags on the ground. Toss them in the Recycle Bins positioned after each water stop.
  8. And Finally! Enjoy yourself and have a SIGMA Run to be proud of. Don’t be one of the many who are disqualified each year for some form of cheating. Wear your own bib. Don’t wear anyone else’s. If your bib says WALK, you are to walk.


Have fun.  Run safely this Sunday.

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)


Click here to register online for Reggae Marathon, December 7, 2013:  Reggae Marathon Registration.

For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site.

Click here for more details on Reggae Marathon’s Abe Issa Award for Excellence.

This is a link to the Official Reggae Marathon 2012 Race Video.
