December 7, 2025
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Signs Seen at a Race

Signs Seen at a Race

I still remember a sign that I saw when I ran my first half-marathon. It said “You trained longer for this than Kim Kardashian’s marriage” and “No time for Walken’ (with a photo of Christopher Walken on it.)  They both made my laugh and have seen them races since then, especially the latter.

This made me wonder, what makes a good sign for the runners? And this is what I came up with;

  • The sign must have big letters so the runners can see it and read it easily
  • Bright colors on a posterboard of a contrasting color
  • If’ it’s relevant to the current events, that’s a bonus (like the Kardashian on above)
  • Keep the words to a minimum. Runners are only running past you for a second or two
  • Hold the sign up high, if it’s too low, the runners won’t see it
  • Anything that is interactive with the runners is great
  • Glitter, everything looks better with glitter.

I love looking at the signs and reading the signs. I try to remember all the signs that I’ve seen over the years that are funny or that made me smile, but after a hundred plus races, it is hard to remember them all. What are some of your favorite running signs that you’ve made for races or have seen when you’ve been running?

And don’t forget the last mile of the Reggae Marathon is known as the Bob Marley mile in which you’ll see inspirational words from the King of Reggae himself.

If you are spectating for a race and need a few ideas, check out the article linked below for some tried and true running signs.

Keep on running!
