December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

Smiling faces at Reggae Marathon

It begins at Registration with a smile.

Actually it really begins well before that when you commit to running in one of the three Reggae Marathon race events:  Marathon, Half Marathon or 1oK.  And what's not to smile about?  A running vacation on the beach in Negril, Jamaica:  multiple reasons to smile:

  1. We're in Jamaica!
  2. We're on the beach in Negril!
  3. Sunshine and warm temperatures.
  4. Food, glorious food…Patty on the beach or maybe Jerk Chicken.
  5. Drink:  Cold Red Stripe and my favourite Run and Coconut Water.
The smile intensifies the moment you land in Montego Bay knowing that Negril is now closer than ever. Here are some more smiling faces captured at Reggae Marathon:

Pasta Party time!  And there's lots to smile about here.  Endless varieties of pasta and salads prepared by the chefs and teams from a number of hotels along the beach.

Getting runners to pose for pictures is oh so easy.  I'm a mid-pack runner especially at Reggae

Marathon where I

don't want it to end.  I'm sure these ladies raced ahead of me last December.  Well, one of them anyway.

Oh and the entertainers get in on the smiling as well.  Don't miss the steel band playing and performing throughout the Pasta Party Friday night.

The ultimate smile of course happens after the Reggae Marathon finishers is slipped over your head.  The satisfying smile for a run well done.

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy


For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site.  To register now click here for the Reggae Marathon Registration Page.  Click here for more details on Reggae Marathon’s Abe Issa Award for Excellence.

Feature photo courtesy of Lori Nirenstein.  Blog photos courtesy of Errol Anderson Photography.
