December 7, 2025 - Kingston Waterfront
2025 Registration coming soon.

Stay healthy while traveling

Stay healthy while traveling

It can be very challenging to stay healthy while traveling. From the crazy travel schedules, time zone changes, lack of time to get in a workout. It all conspires to knock you off your game to stay fit and healthy. But do not despair. There are ways to stay healthy while traveling.

Back in the day when I traveled heavily, I made it a point to build time into my schedule to run every day. No matter the city, timezone or weather conditions. Yes I sacrificed sleep, but going out for a morning run gave me a chance to re-set my mind and body…and burn off some the calories from the ‘road food’. I often couldn’t fit in a full hour of running so I upped the intensity. A short run was always better than no run!

For other great suggestions on how to stay healthy and in shape while traveling, here is a comprehensive article:  Stay Healthy while Traveling. 

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy
