What to do in Negril
Nothing! It’s called ‘The Capital of Casual’ for good reason: Vacationing in Negril is laid back…lounging on the white...
Nothing! It’s called ‘The Capital of Casual’ for good reason: Vacationing in Negril is laid back…lounging on the white...
My first Reggae Marathon was my first Reggae Marathon. That was in 2009. Six years later I’m looking forward to my 7th consecutive Reggae...
Miami to Negril … Registered and Confirmed! Meet Yanira Nia Vazquez originally from the Dominican Republic but who has lived n Miami...
1,800 or so of our best friends like hanging out in Negril on the first Saturday of December every year. You can find us walking down the centre...
Today would have been Bob Marley’s 70th Birthday. Among notables participating in celebration events at Tuff Gong today is Reggae...
Rasta Pasta Friday night at the ‘World’s Best Pasta Party’. Then a nice run on Saturday followed by a post-race party on the...
I’ts 5:15 am in Negril on a warm Saturday morning in December. And there a couple of thousand sleep deprived but excited runners racing off...
Reggae Marathon spent the weekend in Miami. Loved it! We had a great time meeting runners and Reggae Marathon fans at the Miami Marathon Race...
Robert’s excellent Negril experience at Reggae Marathon capped off his year in 2014. Robert started running in 2008 and since then has...
Reggae Marathon 2015 Fact Sheet. We’ve been busy over the Holidays getting ready for Reggae Marathon 2015 which will be held on December 5...
Thank you Sponsors! With your continued support for Reggae Marathon, we continue to deliver one of the world’s best Destination Running...
Will Deanne and Tom make it a threepeat at Reggae Marathon in 2015? It certainly seems so. On Sunday after Reggae Marathon a group of us were in...