Longing for Negril
Longing for Negril. It’s always tough to leave after another great week in Negril at Reggae Marathon. So many memories…  ...
Longing for Negril. It’s always tough to leave after another great week in Negril at Reggae Marathon. So many memories…  ...
We’ll be in NYC this weekend at the New York Marathon Race Expo. And we hope to see you there! Reggae Runnerz, Quick Silver Striders, Easy...
Everybody has a trainig tip. Heck, I’ve received training tips from my non-running friends! For any race…Marathon, Half Marathon and...
Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong is the name I go by at Reggae Marathon. It’s my Reggae name. Have you chosen yours yet for this year?...
Excuse me while I rant this week! And sorry to say, it’s about Runners! Not all runners mind you, just the stupid…runners. Runners...
Meet Melanie Johnson, coming to Reggae Marathon this December. You can’t get much farther away from Jamaica than where Melanie and her...
Getting ready for Reggae Marathon involves a little planning and coordination. And with 4 months to go it’s time to get serious about your...
Do we talk about running too much? My long suffering wife would say yes, emphatically! My running friends would say we don’t talk about...
“How hot is it at Reggae Marathon?” That’s the number one question we get from first-timers to Reggae Marathon. Yes it’s...
What does a Modern Marathoner look like? The original Marathoner was scantily clad and was on a mission. Todays Marathoners are also on missions...
Do you do yoga? You should. Flexibility and strength are just two of the benefits of practicing yoga. And there are some specific poses that...
My favourite mile at Reggae Marathon is the one between Mile 2 and Mile 3. It was tough choosing though…the final 200 metres of the Full...