1 Day to Reggae Marathon: Pasta Party tonight!
It seems like just yesterday that we were all in Negril. The past year sure flew by quickly. I’ve been looking forward to the Reggae...
It seems like just yesterday that we were all in Negril. The past year sure flew by quickly. I’ve been looking forward to the Reggae...
Larry Savitch and Easy Skankin are in Negril! Love the 2013 T Shirt design Larry…it’s going to be easy to spot you, Karen and the...
Running barefoot along the miles of white sand that make up the Beach in Negril is…Paradise! I didn’t go very long, the water gently...
Arriving in Montego Bay as we speak and heading to Negril…Reggae Runners are here! That’s the Reggae Runnerz T Shirt design above. It...
Running shoes: Check! Shorts and Running T: Check! Hat: Check! Bathing suit and sunscreen: Check! That’s it…time to get going to...
As a kid I was always the one who wanted to stay up Christmas Eve. Reggae Marathon takes me back to my childhood and in a good...
This time next week! For the 10K Runners, it’s time to party at the Reggae Marathon post-race party. 10K Walkers: you’ll be there...
Maybe we brag just a little bit about the Reggae Marathon being the World’s best Pasta Party. Then again, maybe not…check out the...
Next week this time I’ll have come back from my first run in Negril. I look forward to that every year and am counting the sleeps until...
Eat to run! Been there, done that! The title of today’s Reggae Marathon blog post was inspired by one of the runners coming to Reggae...
Runners from all over the world come to Reggae Marathon every year. 2013 is no exception. Recently we noted some of the the people and groups...
If you do, these inspirational quotes are for you! These are courtesy of Gibson’s Run Quotes who do a fabulous job of providing...