Can I have my hair back now?
I thought my clean shaven head might have given me the online pharmacy viagra competitive advantage. Sally though it made me look like an alien...
I thought my clean shaven head might have given me the online pharmacy viagra competitive advantage. Sally though it made me look like an alien...
Those high school runners anxiously making their way to front of the field for the 5:15 am start of Reggae Marathon are a joy to watch...
We met online and partied in Negril at Reggae Marathon 2011. And this Sunday, May 6 we meet again in the Reggae Runners Half Marathon Challenge...
I caught up with the busy Karin Wilson-Edmonds of Kingston who has set her goal of running in the Reggae Marathon 10K this December. She's...
New York, Boston and Negril have something in common. Yes all are fantastic places to live but the common link for us runners is that they have...
Ever had one of those mornings when even the coffee wasn't enough to get you up and running? It happens. On those mornings a little...
I grew up eating bananas. That's not hard to do living in Jamaica. Boiled green bananas with meals and ripe yellow bananas for snacks...
Prince Harry did it! OK, maybe not so well and after he 'won' his race against Usain Bolt in Kingston earlier this year. There must...
It started on Facebook. On May 6 this year, Reggae Marathoners Larry Savitch, Dan Cumming and I are competing in an event we call the Reggae...
Reggae Marathon is one of 26 marathons across the globe joining forces to support each other on Twitter with a 26 day Twitterthon. If you're...
What was he thinking? When I first heard what Reggae Marathoner Navin Sadarangani did earlier this year, I thought he was crazy. I've run a...
In a race last year I sighed up with a web-based service that allowed my chip times to be sent to my Facebook page and to Twitter. You're...