Jamaican Olympic Uniforms: Nice!
I like the Jamaican Olympic Team Opening Ceremony Uniforms. A big ‘Thumbs up’ from me for their distinctive look. If like me...
I like the Jamaican Olympic Team Opening Ceremony Uniforms. A big ‘Thumbs up’ from me for their distinctive look. If like me...
Mine is Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong. My wife Sally is Junior ‘Ratchets’ Banton. I’m pretty sure she won’t put...
Marsha Doucette and the Canadian Liver Foundation have come up with a great idea for running in the Reggae Marathon this December while raising...
By now you've heard the story of the 3 guys who connected online early last year, met in person at Reggae Marathon 2011 in Negril, and...
At the risk of repeating myself, I love meeting runners and friends after finishing Reggae Marathon. After many of the other races I run in, I...
To be ready for Reggae Marathon 2012 plan to arrive in Negril by November 29 latest. I'll get a good night's sleep Thursday night and...
I could say don't leave home without your Reggae Marathon Finishers Medal but that would be pushing it. If your Mom was like mine then you...
Sally my wife says I spend more time in the digital world than the real world. She's mostly right but I remind her that's how I've...
Personal Best. The achievement of a goal that exceeds previous performance. Larry Savitch achieved a string of personal bests last year. I...
I've been running for 30 years but compared to these runners I feel like a newbie. Don't get me wrong…I'm not complaining...
With only 184 days to go to Reggae Marathon 2012, it really is too early to start packing. But it's not too early to check out the latest...
It's a really early 'wakey, wakey' time for the start of Reggae Marathon. For 11 straight years Reggae Marathon Race Director...