Pump you up
It’s time for a little running inspiration and motivation to pump you up. Not that you need it of course…like me I know you love to...
It’s time for a little running inspiration and motivation to pump you up. Not that you need it of course…like me I know you love to...
Do we talk about running too much? My long suffering wife would say yes, emphatically! My running friends would say we don’t talk about...
“What started as a hobby for race director ‘Frano’ and the Jamdammers Running Club of Kingston is now a major boost to Jamaica...
“How hot is it at Reggae Marathon?” That’s the number one question we get from first-timers to Reggae Marathon. Yes it’s...
Piriformis Syndrome, Plantar Fasciitis, Groin Pull … these are just a few running injuries and they can truly ruin your day! Before you can...
Reggae Marathon takes pride in being environmentally conscious. Everything to do with the Race Weekend follows this mantra: “Reduce, Reuse...
Just 5 months to go to Reggae Marathon. 157 days actually! Today marks 5 months to the day for a number of Reggae Marathoners who come to Negril...
Head covering…Check! Sunglasses…Check! Running watch…Check! That’s Larry Savitch of Easy Skankin. We caught this photo of...
What does a Modern Marathoner look like? The original Marathoner was scantily clad and was on a mission. Todays Marathoners are also on missions...
Do you do yoga? You should. Flexibility and strength are just two of the benefits of practicing yoga. And there are some specific poses that...
They come, they run … from all over the world! For a hugh variety of reasons runners from over 30 countries around the world make the...
Kinesiology tape. It’s been around the 1970’s when it was inventeg in Japan and has been the rage for endurance athletes since the...