Jamaica beyond Negril and the Reggae Marathon
Don’t get me wrong, I love Negril and the Reggae Marathon. I plan my entire year of running and training around the first Saturday of December...
Don’t get me wrong, I love Negril and the Reggae Marathon. I plan my entire year of running and training around the first Saturday of December...
“A hidden tribe, super athletes and the greatest race the world has never seen”. That’s the quote on the cover of Christopher McDougall’s 2011...
I ran the Reggae Marathon ½ marathon injured last December. It hurt and now I’m paying the price. My finish line picture shows the grimace...
Reggae Marathon partnered with Pan Caribbean in presenting the 13th Annual PanCaribbean Sigma Corporate Run today with 14,729 registered...
The 2010 Reggae Marathon was special for a number of reasons: It rained toward the end of the Pasta Party and got us all giddy with excitement as...
I first learned about the annual marathon in Jamaica early in 2010. Back then I was in the Bahamas and I wanted to use the Reggae Marathon trip to...
How much would you pay for a hat that made you stupid? Just think of it… what sort of value would you place on a magic piece of headgear...
Jerk Chicken + Deluxe Fried Rice + Red Stripe = the perfect Reggae Marathon recipe for watching the Superbowl in Dallas this Sunday. While the...
What did you do with your slightly used running shoes at last December’s Reggae Marathon? I almost did what I normally do and threw them out. In...
“Reggae Marathon…one of the world’s top 10 marathons”! But we knew that didn’t we. Emile Leiba, president of the Jamdammers Running Club...
I never thought I’d ever say those words about the Reggae Marathon. For the past 18 months I’ve talked about nothing but the Reggae...
It rained Friday night at the Reggae Marathon Pasta Party but it did not dampen the vibe. In fact at the press briefing that evening the buzz...