Answers to FAQ’s about Reggae Marathon
Choosing a Destination Race event like Reggae Marathon is exciting. I remember the day I chose to run Reggae Marathon like it was yesterday! And...
Choosing a Destination Race event like Reggae Marathon is exciting. I remember the day I chose to run Reggae Marathon like it was yesterday! And...
I saw that quote above and that led to these which seemed perfect to go along with the last day of April…and Hump Day! “My running is...
It’s been one of those weeks! Don’t get me wrong…nothing bad, just a lot of stuff going on recently especially in my running...
The significance of March 31: We’ve made it through a quarter of the year! Yeah!! Hopefully the memories of the Polar Vortex weather...
We used to say, ‘Come for the run, stay for the fun’. After reading this article, we’ve modified it to ‘Come for the run...
We’ve been following the weather this winter across North America and Canada. From the Polar Vortex that had even Houston, Texas below...
Monday, April 21 is the 118th running of the Boston Marathon. With heavy hearts still after the tragedy of 2013, we are all looking forward to...
Ladies…your high heels are killing you! OK, not literally. I was shocked to learn how dramatically the type of shoes we wear daily...
I think of every one of the runners at Reggae Marathon as friends. It makes for a bit of a challenge eating at the Reggae Marathon Pasta Party...
Those are a few of the Black Girls Run runners above from Virginia and Atlanta who stopped by the Reggae Marathon booth last Saturday at the Miami...
The came, they saw, they ran. And it was good. Correct that…it was GREAT! Everyone at Reggae Marathon has a personal story. One of the...
I know I might be a little ahead of myself for Reggae Marathon 2014 (always the 1st Saturday in December in Negril…this year, Saturday...