Reggae Marathon Memories
If you’ve run the Reggae Marathon more than once, you probably came back because you had a memorable experience. My most memorable experience was...
If you’ve run the Reggae Marathon more than once, you probably came back because you had a memorable experience. My most memorable experience was...
At the top of the Reggae Marathon webpage, there is a countdown to race day. The countdown clock goes to the race start time at 5:15 am on...
I’ve been running for over 10 years. I’ve had many highs and many lows. When it comes to racing, there are two things that I’ve learned that have...
I have participated in the Reggae Marathon for the last ten years. (Full disclosure, I do the half marathon. I’m not fast enough to do the...
Tomorrow is Jamaican Independence! Fifty-eight years ago, Jamaica gained independence from England. So, take some time to celebrate the country...
I’ll be the first to admit, sometimes, I don’t love to run. I don’t even like it sometimes. It doesn’t help that the...
Here in New York, we are in the middle of the second heat wave in just a week. The best times to get out for a run are very early in the morning...
The Reggae Marathon has many great features. Do you have a favorite? For some it might be starting the race in the dark and waiting to hear...
Today is the day the Jamdammers finish their month-long anniversary celebration!! They held events and runs for the last month to celebrate their...
There is so much to do in Jamaica. For those who have visited Negril and run the Reggae Marathon, what’s your favorite thing do while in Negril...