I am a runner
I am a runner. Been running for over 30 years. Hope to keep running for 30 more. Yes, I am a runner! “I have the guts to set seemingly...
I am a runner. Been running for over 30 years. Hope to keep running for 30 more. Yes, I am a runner! “I have the guts to set seemingly...
Well…what are the tips for running nude? Before we get to that, here are some tips for running from a source that knows a thing or two...
Out on the road at Reggae Marathon is a mythical experience. It gets more mythical as the years pass and the experiences grow. And it starts...
The entire Reggae Marathon team is getting for Reggae Marathon Sweet 16, December 3 in Negril. Not only do we transport everything from Kingston...
Ahhh…a little Running Therapy! From our favourite inspirational source, Gibson’s Daily Running Quotes: “Running is the best...
What a summer! Weather, running, Rio. It seemed that every weekend was packed with action. And now with the kids heading back to school...
3 months to Reggae Marathon. Time to ‘freak out!’ Every year when it gets to September the realization that it’s now only 3...
Recovering from injury. We’ve all sustained running injuries and we’ve all had to deal with how best to recover. While recovering...
What’s your favourite mile at Reggae Marathon? Mine is Mile 6 and here’s why: At my pace, I hit Mile 6 after the sun has risen and...
It’s been quite the week in Rio! And it’s not over yet! Last night was historic for Omar McLeod who made history for Jamaica winning...
Inspired running…or a little pick-me-up… “The more I run, the more I love my body. Not because it’s perfect, far from it...
Running. It’s a great excuse to travel. That’s what Sharon and Russell believe and they’ve got 3 others joining them this...