Spring training tips
Spring training isn’t just for baseball players. If you’ve been a little less active over the winter, spring is a great time to dust...
Spring training isn’t just for baseball players. If you’ve been a little less active over the winter, spring is a great time to dust...
How about some mid-week motivation? “It’s wrong to believe that you need a certain physical body type to run. All body types...
“No problem…everything is irie!”. Danielle Cemprola had this revelation at Reggae Marathon last December. An addmitted worrier...
Ahhh…another perfect day in Negril. It started with waking to the sounds of the waves gently rolling up onto the beach… While...
Jerk n Ting! Couldn’t leave Negril last December without a meal of Jerk Chicken, Rice and Peas and of course a cold Ting. Sunday evening...
Healthy knees! Our feet, legs, hips and especially the knees take a lot of impact with running. But with proper running shoes (changed...
I ran barefoot on the beach last December after Reggae Marathon. And I loved it! Backstory. After completing the 10K and collecting my Finisher...
Cellulite be gone! Lotions and potions don’t work but this 5 minute workout routine has merit. It’s going to take a bit of work...
Appreciate the love; TheReggae Marathon Experience. Today we hear from some Reggae Runnerz who’ve participated in Reggae Marathon one, two...
Running with Dick Beardsley in Jamaica was what these lucky runners got to do while on a recent Caribbean cruise. Dick Beardsley gained...
It only takes one. Reggae Marathon experience that is. Once you’ve participated in your first Reggae Marathon, it’s tough to resist...
Reggae Marathon last December was the ‘R’ Marathon for Keith Simpson. Keith came up with a cool idea to run marathons in alphabetical...