Running out of time at Reggae Marathon
Did you hear about the Reggae Marathon runner who made it to the start line 2 1/2 hours late? That’s the disaster that struck Reggae Marathoner...
Did you hear about the Reggae Marathon runner who made it to the start line 2 1/2 hours late? That’s the disaster that struck Reggae Marathoner...
I will always be amazed at how much running is a mental exercise. Don’t get me wrong, hard and smart physical training is very important in...
“Convincing” is when you can get your family to support a ‘girls only’ running vacation to Negril, Jamaica in December to run the Reggae...
Until buy cialis where next time… Reggae Marathon RunninGuy ++++++ For more information, visit the Reggae Marathon Web Site.
All the way from Florida, New York to Negril, Jamaica, Larry Savitch and his group, ‘Easy Skankin’ were a non-stop presence at Reggae Marathon...
Unless you were up ‘super late’ last night, then you’ve already enjoyed the first run of 2012. OK, maybe it’s just me who...
“Men are from Mars, women from Venus” or something like that. Duh! As a mid-pack male runner getting passed in a race by a speedier...
‘Unique’ running headgear must help you run faster. That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it. How else to explain the...
I've been running for years and know that sometimes there is letdown after a good race or big event. It’s more than just the adrenaline...
Even after running 10k or the ½ Marathon, Reggae Marathon runners had enough energy to dance. I suppose the exciting drumming and torch light...
The gang from Washington Running Report was well represented at Reggae Marathon 2011. Bob and his wife Debbie of course with Brenda all ran last...
After an absolutely fantastic day on Saturday at Reggae Marathon 2011, my system is still in over-drive from the experiences of the day. So like...