December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

Take care of your feet

Take care of your feet!  It’s the most important you can do as a runner.  Ignore proper foot care at your peril. You know the old saying, “the foot bone’s connected to…”.  Foot injuries move through your ankle rising up through your shin, knees eventually reaching your hips.

At the root of the problem and the solution is choosing the right pair of running shoes.  It’s the best way to take care of your feet.  Forget the glitz and fancy styling, you must start with understanding your feet: High arch, flat, pronation, supination…how you land on your feet determines what type of shoe to buy.  It sounds complicated and can be intimidiating.  I turned to Reggae Marathon friend, Olympian Carrie Tollefson to clut through the clutter and provide the straight goods on choosing running shoes.  In this video she walks through all the variables of chosing the right pair of running shoes so you can take care of your feet:

It’s also important to change your running shoes regularly.  There are some general rules of course but I’ve found when my feet and legs start to ache after a run it’s time to change.  And there’s an upside to changing your running shoes regularly:  The opportunity to give back.  At all the Grand Prix Races in Jamaica and at Reggae Marathon December 5 you can donate your gently worn running shoes.  They will go to kids who otherwise wouldn’t have any.

So take care of your feet:  Choose the right pair of running shoes and change them when they loose their effectiveness.

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)

