December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

Who’s this new guy on the Reggae Marathon blog?

Hello.  I’m Chris Morales.  A year ago I was blogging on my personal blog about running in my first Reggae Marathon. Now 8 months later here I am blogging for the Reggae Marathon…and looking forward to my 2nd Reggae Marathon this December 4 in Negril.  And what an event it promises to be:  the 10th anniversary event.  More about that in upcoming posts.  First let me properly introduce myself.

I was born and raised in Jamaica.  My family was part of the exodus in the early 1970’s.  We settled in the Toronto area where I have been living for most of the past 30+ years.  But we never forgot our roots.  When they were younger, my 3 sons spent their summers with Grandma and Grandpa in Stony Hill.  They still talk about how Grandpa introduced them to ‘Manish Wata’.

I am also a dedicated runner although not while at my alma mater Campion College.  To be truthful I am a late starter to running.  I took it up in my late 20’s to lose weight.

But once the love of running took hold, I embraced it fully.  I have completed numerous 10 K’s and half marathons and have even competed in a number of triathlons.  But my true passion is running and I’m still at it.

Until last December in Negril though, I had never successfully completed a full marathon.  With the help of a ‘ton of people’ (including quite a few of the Jamdammers team) I got it done!  That ‘unfinished business’ is now behind me.

And what an event to do it at, the Reggae Marathon! The Pasta Party on Friday night, the torches at the 5:15 am start (!!!!), the music and bagged water at each mile…it was a blast! But the best was truly saved for last:  plunging into the water after the race was simply indescribable!   If you are a casual, newbie or experienced runner, the total Reggae Marathon experience is simply one of the best.

But enough about me.  We want to hear from you.  Who are you?  Why do you run?  Why are you still on the fence contemplating coming to Jamaica for the Reggae Marathon?

Do you run for your health?  For a cause?  Or some other personal passion?  If you have a personal running story that you want to share please send me an email.

Check back here often over the next few months.  We will be posting stories on the Reggae Marathon experience, training, and other topics to give you a taste of what the Reggae Marathon is really all about.   We look forward to meeting you in Negril this December.

Until next time…
