December 7, 2025 - Kingston Waterfront
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The Reggae Marathon Experience

The Reggae Marathon Experience … it’s an EXPERIENCE!

I can keep telling you all the great reasons why Reggae Marathon is a special race event in Negril, Jamaica.  And I can show you tons of photos of smiling runners before, during and after the race.  I’ve been doing both for a number of years now.  And with my 7th consecutive Reggae Marathon this December 5 under 90 days away now, my anticipation will continue to grow.  The biggest excitement for me this year:  It will be the 4th consecutive year that a core group of guys meet up in Negril to have fun, catch up, run and basically act silly for a few days.  Cant’t wait…soon come!

To hear all about the Reggae Marathon Experience from another point-of-view, this series of articles on Reggae Marathon 2014 from Run247.  Tons of photos of Jamaica and Negril before, during and after the race.  Plus lots of inside tips on how to get the most out of your trip to Jamaica, Negril and Reggae Marathon.  Enjoy!


About Jamaica.  “The race itself takes place in the beach resort town of Negril in the parish of Westmoreland. Negril is a popular destination for tourists and is home to seven mile beach, one of the best if not the best beach in Jamaica”:  Reggae Marathon Part 1


bobs-wisdom1Bobs Wisdom. “Running the Reggae Marathon you would expect to hear some Bob Marleys songs and the race dosen’t disappoint!”: Reggae Marathon Part 2


jamaica2-bolt-poseCool Runners. “It will come as no surprise that Athletics is big in Jamaica. For an island of just under three million people, they have managed to dominated the world of track sprinting and that domination looks set to continue”:  Reggae Marathon Part 3

reggae-marathon2014-historyA Brief History. “The idea for putting on the race came after a number of the runners from the running club went over to run the Vienna marathon. While there and enjoying the many sights and sounds of Vienna they wondered whether, when Vienna could hold a marathon and people from all over the world came and enjoy it, they could not do the same in Jamaica”: Reggae Marathon Part 4

reggae-marathon2014-pasta-party1The World’s Best Pasta Party. “Once registered it was time to experience the worlds best pasta party and it didn’t disappoint. One of the unusual things about the pasta party is that all of the luxury resorts provide their chefs and food to the party”: Reggae Marathon Part 5

reggae-marathon2014-race-report1Race Day. “Before I knew it the clock had hit 5.15am and we were on our way, running over the start line and through a procession of flame torches”: Reggae Marathon Part 6


Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)

