December 7, 2025
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The World came to Reggae Marathon 2012!

With over 30 countries represented at Reggae Marathon this year, it was nice to mingle at the Pasta Party and even nicer to run with runners who travelled from far and wide to be in Negril for Reggae Marathon 2012.  And Reggae Marathon runners love to smile for the camera:

This is Paul from the US who has been with us in Jamaica for at least the last 3 years.  He thinks nothing of flying across the Atlantic to race on a Sunday before flying back to home on the US East Coast to be back at work Monday morning.  Looks like he is ‘topping up’ at

the Reggae Marathon Pasta Party.

Another perfect day in paradise…that could sum up our race day at Reggae Marathon 2012.  And here’s a runner proudly showing the Venezuela flag out on the course.

It’s December, weeks away from Christmas and we’re wearing bathing suits on the Negril beach and running in shorts and singlets.  From Canada where she left the cold behind, this Canadian Reggae Marathoner reminded us that it’s Christmas!

On another note, we had some milestones at Reggae Marathon 2012:

  • Young runners at Reggae Marathon included 10 year old Sydney Nattoo from Montego Bay. She did the 10K in 1:51:08.  Wow…she wasn’t that far behind me (as you know I walked the Reggae Marathon 10K)
  • Also Ella Lynas, also from Holland,MI.  Ella did the 10K in 1:39:21.  I knew I shouldn’t have stopped to take so many pictures…but I was having fun!
  • Burt Carlson was the oldest participant at 87.  He ran the Half Marathon.
  • In the Marathon, Roy Thomas was the oldest at 85.

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)


For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site.

Register now at this link Reggae Marathon Registration Page.

Click here for more details on Reggae Marathon’s Abe Issa Award for Excellence.

Photos courtesy of Errol Anderson.
