December 7, 2025
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Thoughts on Reggae Marathon 2012~Dec 23-13

6 days!

That’s the time it took me to finish Reggae Marathon 2012.

Let me clarify:  the race itself took about an hour on Saturday morning…I was sipping a cold Red Stripe by 6:30 am after finishing my 10K race. It took six days of vacation on the beach in Negril to take in the full Reggae Marathon experience.  Here are my thoughts:

  • I saw Larry and Dan and Caryl and Karen and Burt and Karin and Christopher and Gena and Jet…the list of friends I’ve met over my 5 years of running in the Reggae Marathon is almost endless.  After communicating on Facebook for much of the year it was great to catch up live.
  • I met Lisa, Amanda, Margaret, Blondie, Divine, Diane…the new friends I made at Reggae Marathon confirm why this is the Best Race in the World!
  • The weather in Negril was almost perfect for the week leading up to the race and the days after.  Yes it rained a couple of afternoons but it was the typical tropical rain:  heavy for 20 minutes then bright sunshine almost immediately after.  Other than that, the conditions in Negril were almost perfect for a ‘Runcation’ on the beach.
  • The food was fabulous.  I got to a number of small road-side restaurants along Norman Washington Boulevard and sampled Jerk Chicken and Drum Chicken, Festival, and of course Rice and Peas.  Casual and very, very tasty!
  • Walking along the road in Negril and the almost constant horn honks from passing Taxi drivers.  For some reason I like this and took advantage a couple of times to and from the West End.  It’s dead easy to get around in Negril.
  • Endless talking about running.  Each year I think I’ll get tired of talking about running but I never do.  This year was no exception.  So many stories of overcoming challenges to achieve personal goals.  I never tire of hearing them.

Every year I get surprised.  This year was no exception.  On the walk back to our hotel Saturday morning after finishing Reggae Marathon we ran into Margaret from Minnesota.  Actually she ran into us as our group had stopped to play in the surf.  We were all wearing our medals of course and we got to talking.  In short order we learned that this was Margaret’s 13th consecutive Reggae Marathon…she has run each and every Reggae Marathon!  (Check out her story here:  Maragret and her 13th Reggae Marathon).  Unassuming and not boastful, she is a true reminder of the magic of Reggae Marathon:  once you’ve been it gets into your sole.

So as the glow of Reggae Marathon fades into a super pleasant memory, I can securely reflect back on a truly great experience.

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)


For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site.

Click here for more details on Reggae Marathon’s Abe Issa Award for Excellence.

This is a link to the Official Reggae Marathon 2012 Race Video.
