December 7, 2025 - Kingston Waterfront
2025 Registration coming soon.

Top 10 Running Songs” target=”_blank”>Facebook Fans for your suggestions.

10. Running with the Devil, Van Halen

9. Bleed it out, Linkin Park

8. Crazy In Love, Beyonce, Jay-Z

7. SexyBack, Justin Timberlake

6. Jamin, Bob Marley

5. Gravel Pit, Wu Tang Clan

4. Born to Run, Bruce Springsteen

3. Exodus, Bob Marley

2. Try Jah Love, Third World

1. One Love, Bob Marley

What are your favourite running songs?

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy

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The motivation to run comes in many ways. While the zen-like running state can be induced with or without music, here are 10 running songs that really get me moving. Thanks Reggae Marathon Facebook Fans for your suggestions.
10. Running with the Devil, Van Halen
9. Bleed it out, Linkin Park
8. Crazy In Love, Beyonce, Jay-Z
7. SexyBack, Justin Timberlake
6. Jamin, Bob Marley
5. Gravel Pit, Wu Tang Clan
4. Born to Run, Bruce Springsteen
3. Exodus, Bob Marley
2. Try Jah Love, Third World
1. One Love, Bob Marley
What are your favourite running songs?
Until next time…
Reggae Marathon RunninGuy
Note: photo courtesy of Errol Anderson Photography