December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

Truly the Best Pasta Party!

Truly the Best Pasta Party!

It’s been said before and is worth saying again, the Reggae Marathon has the world’s best pasta party. Hotels and restaurants from across Negril come to display their best pasta dishes to the runners the night before the Reggae Marathon.

Runners and their friends and family line up long before the start of dinner so they can be first to check out the selection of food that has been prepared. There is so many options from the traditional rasta pasta and pasta dishes with chicken to a variety of breads to munch so you can carb load appropriately before the race. And most importantly, be sure to drink a lot of water and hydrate!

There is a DJ that plays reggae music as you walk about the venue, visit with friends, and eat your dinner. A little later, as the sun goes down, the steel pan drum band comes out and plays into the night. Stay awhile, but not too late. You’ll want to get back to your hotel or home and get some sleep for the race the next day.

See you in December!
