December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

What are you running for?

What are you running for?

For most of us we began running to get fit.  Running to loose weight is a good thing!  Some of us started early and have always had a love of running.  Others, like me, took up running later in life but have come to love it.  This Sunday, February 19, 15,000 runners and walkers of all shapes and sizes will gather at Emancipation Park to run for the children.

PanCaribbean’s Sigma Corporate Run’s focus continues to be the health and welfare of Jamaica’s children. The 2012 beneficiary is Chain of Hope Jamaica in support of the development of the Cardiac Programme at the Bustamante Hospital for Children. Each year between 400 and 500 children are born in Jamaica with congenital heart disease. Of these, 50% require medical or surgical intervention or face a premature death. The current waiting list for cardiac surgery at the Bustamante Hospital is at least 150 children with 100 new patients added to the list annually.

Now celebrating its 14th year, the PanCaribbean buy cipro Sigma Corporate Run is a unique road-running event designed to inspire fun, fitness and camaraderie among Jamaica’s business community. Companies, groups and individuals participate in this annual tradition and the Caribbean’s largest fitness event.

The PanCaribbean Sigma Corporate Run is a 5.6 kilometer fun run that is open to participants of all fitness levels. The event starts at Emancipation Park in New Kingston and culminates in a post-run celebration featuring an awards ceremony. Reggae Marathon is proud to be a partner along with the National Health Fund.

Since the first staging of PanCaribbean’s Sigma Corporate Run in 1999, charitable contributions of over $68 Million have been donated to several health and child-related charities. We are pleased to announce that the proceeds from this year’s event will be in aid of Chain of Hope Jamaica, in support of the development of the cardiac programme at the Bustamante Hospital for Children. Our partners and sponsors are working with us to ensure we meet our goal of $50 Million.

For the first time this, our Patrons supporting us are Her Excellency The Hon. Lady Patricia Allen, e H The Hon. Danny Williams, OJ, CD and Dr. The Hon. Usain Bolt, OJ.. In keeping with our 50th year of independence, we have set a target of $50 Million to assist in  developing the Cardiac Programme.

“Running for the children”.  That’s what the participants in the PanCaribbean Sigma Corporate Run are running for this weekend.  Good luck and have fun.  Oh, and yes, the photo above is Reggae Marathon Race Director Frano with Usain Bolt.  “Looking good gentlemen”!

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy


For more information visit the Reggae Marathon Web Site.   Click here to Register.
