This debate is still alive: Alcohol and running.
I know for sure from personal experience it’s impossible to achieve a personal best while ‘under the influence’. It’s beyond impossible with a hangover. However a cold Red Stripe after a race or run…now that just seems to make sense. Especially after Reggae Marathon.
I’ve run in 4 Reggae Marathon events to-date (5th this December 7 in Negril). During every one, anticipating that cold beer…along with the fresh cut coconut…was part of the Reggae Marathon Experience. I wouldn’t recommend more than one however and it should be combined with proper nutrition and re-hydration. In the debate on whether beer and running go together, I tend toward the ‘Yes’ vote. Here’s an article that ran recently that seems to back up that choice: Beer and Running Go Together.
So while not ‘a beer a day to keep the doctor away, maybe, just maybe it’s OK to have a beer after a run. I know a lot of Reggae Marathoners who agree…you know who you are 🙂
Until next time…
Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)
Click here to register online for Reggae Marathon, December 7, 2013: Reggae Marathon Registration.
For more information check the Reggae Marathon Web Site.
Click here for more details on Reggae Marathon’s Abe Issa Award for Excellence.
This is a link to the Official Reggae Marathon 2012 Race Video.
Photo courtesy of Karen Fuchs.