December 7, 2025 - Kingston Waterfront
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What’s on for Sweet 16

2015 Reggae Marathon(15th.)      Dec. 5, 2015What’s on for Reggae Marathon Sweet 16?  A lot actually.

Registering for Reggae Marathon. There’s still time to save a few $’s on Registration.  While you can register on-siet in Negril on Thursday and Friday before Saturday’s start, it’s best to register now. We’ll know who you are, have a better idea on how many of you are coming…we’ll be better prepared so you can enjoy the maximum Reggae Marathn Experience.  Register online here:  Reggae Marathon Sweet 16 Registration.

Now let’s get you to Negril.  Unless you plan to spend additional time at other locations in Jamaica, plan fly in and out of the International Airport in Montego Bay.  Most international airlines can get you there from every part of the world.  We usually have runners from over 30 countries represented at Reggae Marathon and this year we welcome the world once again.  Shout out to South Africa!  We’ve got air travel and vacation travel partners on our web site; you can find them here:  Getting to Reggae Marathon Sweet 16.

That’s the air part…now let’s get you the final few miles.  There are multiple ways to get from the airport in Montego Bay to Negril

Where do you plan to stay?  If you’ve booked with (or plan to book) with a travel partner, you’re likely set for hotels and ground transportation.  If you’re a do-it-yourselfer, there are many smaller, family-run hotels and guest houses to choose from.  Check out the list of hotels on our web site (this list includes the approximate distance to the Start/Finish line):  Where to stay for Reggae Marathon Sweet 16

Friday night December 2 Reggae Marathon officially begins with the Pasta Party.  Many runners plan to get to the Couples Swept Away Resort Sporting Complex ahead of the Pasta Party to pick up their race kits.  Good idea.  Then it’s carbo loading under the stars while being entertained.  It’s early to bed Friday night…it’s a 5:15 am prompt start Saturday morning for all three Reggae Marathon events.  Other things may run on ‘Jamaican time’…not Reggae Marathon.  15 years straight Race Director Frano has sent us off promptly at 5:15 am.  He plans to keep that streak alive for Reggae Marathon Sweet 16.

After getting your Finisher’s Medal, head for a Red Stripe.  Yes, it may be before noon but a beer hits the spot when you’re ‘Dun!’.

Until next time…

Reggae Marathon RunninGuy (aka Sugar ‘Tuff Gong’ Bong)

