December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

When in Negril…

When in Negril…

Do you like to run on the beach or on the sidewalk? Years ago, there wasn’t a sidewalk on which to run. But not too long ago, they built a sidewalk making it a lot easier to do a run if you didn’t want to run on the beach. But what is the advantage to running on the beach? It’s finishing with a jump in the water!

Having the option to run on the sidewalk is great as some runners prefer to run on hard surfaces. And the big question for beach runners, do you wear your sneakers when you go for a run? So what do you prefer- beach or sidewalk?

And if you haven’t had the opportunity, you can still register for the 2023 Reggae Marathon. Here is the link- 2023 Reggae Marathon Registration
