My wife Sally used to ask that question. She has learned that unless I run every day to burn off some of my energy living with me would be like living in an amusement park. She now encourages me to run!
I was not a natural runner. I didn’t run in school. In fact sports were my least favorite part of the school day. Playing marbles and spinning tops were the usual ‘sports’ at Recess. On the weekends? Cowboys and Indians (not currently politically correct I know but that was then). We ran around but I would hardly call it ‘Running’.
Fast forward to early adult-hood. Married, kids, job…the usual chaotic and hectic life. The ‘shock’ that caused me to start running was health-related: 240 pounds on a 5’ 10” frame with “a strong tendency toward high blood pressure” as my Doctor so gently put it. I put the running shoes on and haven’t taken them off since.
Recently I’ve had the opportunity to talk to other seasoned runners about why they run. Here are some of the responses:
“Boston Mike” has run numerous marathons and after a bout of knee injury re-qualified for next year’s Boston Marathon. “I run for fun” he told me when I first met him 5 years ago. While that is technically true, his wife who loves him dearly also loves it when he’s out running…he has ‘high energy’ as well.
“Jim the Boxer”. He is well into his 70’s and yes he is a former boxer. He always bounces from foot to foot before every run. Jim is a motivational maven: he recites long, inspiring passages from books he has read while we are running. He also makes running look easy.
“Police Inspector Eric”. A recently retired police officer, Eric helped me prepare for my first Reggae Marathon in 2009. “Don’t be cocky” he barked. “And respect the heat”. Great advice then and now. I drank at every mile marker, kept my hat on and my head wet.
Why do you run? Leave a comment or send your story to [email protected]
Until next time…
Reggae Marathon RunninGuy