December 7, 2025
Event Updates and 2025 Registration
coming soon.

Your 2021 Reggae Marathon Options

Your 2021 Reggae Marathon Options

If you did not know it, registration is open for the 2021 Reggae Marathon. And we want you to know that you have many options when it comes to the race this year. In addition to the in person event that will take place on December 5th, there will be options for runners to participate virtually again this year.

Be sure to spend some time on our website and read the FAQ page so you know all of the options that you can choose from this year. It’s a great opportunity for runners to participate again this year even if you are not able to make the trip to Negril. While we would like for all of our runners to make the trip, we understand that it is not possible for everyone to come to Negril so we are grateful to make this an option again.

Here is the link for the FAQ for those who are choosing to participating in the live Reggae Marathon:

Here is the link for the FAQ for those who are choosing to participate in the Virtual Reggae Marathon:

And for those who participated in the 20th Anniversary Virtual Reggae Marathon last year, thank you for sharing your swag and bling on social media. We love to see it! don’t forget to tag #reggaemarathon on all of your photos.

Keep on running!

